The last week has been a real roller coaster of emotions. John was scheduled for a heart catheterization last Friday. But on Thursday, I received a call at work that the nurse felt my Mother was in her last hours. So I left work and went out to spend time with Mom. She had a high fever and was barely responsive to anyone. All of my brothers and sisters were in and out all day. The music therapist came that day and sat by Mom's bed playing Mom's favorite hymns. Sherry, Ruth, Miranda and I sang along...through our tears. It was such a beautiful moment. Mom even smiled as we sang. Then Amy, the musical therapist, sang one of Mom's favorites..."Annie's Song" by John Denver. Mom always said the song made her think of "Bill" dad. As we sang that, Dad was sitting on the bed and as weak as Mom was, she reached her good arm up and pulled Dad down to her on the bed. It was so sweet...we were all crying. She seemed a little better by evening when her temperature came down. So Friday I went to work. My brothers who stayed said she really rallied the next day...she wanted to get dressed and sit in her chair...she was talking and able to take some liquids. It was amazing! Saturday, John and I went to the grocery before we were scheduled to stay with Mom for the weekend. John started having chest pains and a very heavy feeling. We decided he needed to go to the emergency room. We spent all day in the emergency room. They did an EKG, a cat scan, & blood tests. They gave him some medications for angina and monitored him until evening. After calling his cardiologist they sent us home with instructions for John to not drive, not work, nor do anything strenuous. Joel and Wendy drove down from Lansing to see my Mother so they were able to stop and see John in the emergency room. We were so glad to have them there for moral support! They went to visit Mom after John was reassured that he wasn't having a heart attack. So today (Sunday) has been very quiet...he's been resting and taking it very easy. The cardiologist is supposed to call and reschedule the catheterization tomorrow. I'm planning to work unless they reschedule it on tomorrow. It's the first day of our summer reading program and I'm hoping to be there! What a week! I've sure felt the prayers of my friends and family helping us to get through all this. Mom isn't doing as well today so we're pretty uncertain about what the next week will bring.