Friday, October 21, 2005


1976 was a painful year. It should have been joyful...I was expecting our second child in October. In the summer we received a call that John's father had been struck down by a huge limb while cutting down a damaged tree. He was doing it for the city of Ridgeville and was trying to do it quickly to ready the park for a softball game. In his rush, he failed to secure the branch, which hit him on the head and crushed the vertebrae in his neck. The next few hours were spent in the hospital trying to be hopeful and comforting John's mother. We sat with her when the doctor said that they had to do surgery...but that John's father would never walk again. It was so devastating. It's one of those moments that freezes in your memory. After a long hospital stay, Lester went home to be cared for by his wife and the children who lived closest. It was such a stressful time...John tried to be there for his mom while caring for his family too. In September, Molly turned two. She was such a joy! She was so much fun to have around...always cheerful and full of questions. She started talking at 7 months and never stopped! When we would go to town, she talked to everyone. The folks at the pizza place knew me as Molly's mom. She was so excited about having a baby sister or brother. My family doctor was a competent man but in that small town, prenatal tests were limited. As I approached my due date and then passed it, the tests indicated protein in my urine. My doctor just suggested I cut back on salt and "let nature take it's course." He didn't believe in inducing labor because he had seen a bad outcome once when that was done. In 1976, induction was rarely done. On November 12, I went into labor...2 1/2 weeks past my due date. In the labor room, I heard anxiety in the nurse's voice as she said, "I'm having difficulty finding a heartbeat." I was so fearful but couldn't imagine anything seriously wrong. My pastor came in and prayed with me and that really helped to calm me. After a long labor, I finally was ready to deliver. Betsy was born and the nurses rushed her over to the table. I could see she was covered with meconium but I wasn't aware of the reason for that. As the doctor worked to sew my episiotomy, I felt in shock...the local pain shot had worn off and I could feel every stitch. I shivered uncontrollably and was given a shot to lower my blood pressure. I asked if the baby was okay. I can't remember the words they used but I was told that she had died before birth. I remember lying there in more pain and anguish then I'd ever felt...emotional pain. I had never even imagined losing my baby. I never got to hold her or even see that time they didn't give the mothers the opportunity to say goodbye to their stillborn babies. The Lord gave us the grace to weather that pain but it wasn't until Joel arrived in 1979 that I finally felt some of that emptiness disappear. Joel was such a blessing from God. I know I overprotected him as he was growing up because I always had a hidden fear that I might lose him too. Fortunately he was blessed with a wonderful passion for the Lord despite my mothering. I am so thankful for both my children. They've always been the source of great joy and pride for John and me. And now...He has given me another Betsy! I cry just thinking of the wonderful blessing of our beautiful granddaughter, Betsy. We are so thankful that she arrived safely despite some scary moments for Molly during her labor and delivery. God is so faithful! I know He has great plans for her life because he gave her such loving Christian parents!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I can't believe I am only reading this now! I don't even know if you will get this comment, but this so touched my heart. Little Betsy just became that much more precious to me. God Bless you Mrs Karen