Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm still here...

I've been really busy and haven't blogged in ages! John is finally getting over his sinus infection and is adjusting to the C-Pap machine he sleeps with for his sleep apnea. He seems to be more energetic too, so I think he appears to be getting more oxygen with it. Work is going's a really busy at work as the holidays approach. Molly and Betsy spent a week with us recently and we had such a good time. Betsy has always been unfriendly with my dad for some reason and after Molly talked with her about it, she finally realized Grandpa Bill is a good guy and she really responded to him. It was a real breakthrough! Molly and Myron have found a beautiful home in Cincinnati and hope to move the first week of December. They're still trying to sell their home in Grand Rapids. They're growing tired of living apart! Here are some Betsy pics.

"Betsy Blue Eyes" after her bath...

Betsy helping Grandpa in the flower bed...

Betsy in the leaves...

Betsy bonding with Grandpa Bill...

1 comment:

Molly D said...

I love that picture of Betsy after her bath! How beautiful! And the ones of Joel, Wendy and baby Jake are so great...isn't he a cuddloe bunny?!