Monday, June 04, 2007

Weekend at Mom's

We spent Friday night at Mom's. She had company all evening so we didn't get supper until almost 9:30! She isn't really eating anything now...just drinks a little water and lemonade. She still has a sense of humor...she was sitting in her wheelchair in the front yard and saw a buzzard circling above. She quipped, "Does he know something I don't know?" Black humor but still funny, coming from her. Her mind is still pretty clear but she's so weak. Talking is getting even more difficult for her. I'm so thankful that she still has a sweet disposition and doesn't ever complain. She was telling one of her guests that she might be taking a trip soon...she was talking about heaven. Dad doesn't like to hear her talk about dying so he changes the subject, but I think it's normal and healthy for her to be thinking about her life in heaven. I can't be critical of Dad though...he just can't bear the thought of losing her.

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