Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
My kids are so great!
John and I traveled to Michigan over the weekend to spend time with Molly, Myron & Betsy and Joel & Wendy. We had such a great time. Molly and Myron prepared turkey and all the trimmings on Saturday...Wendy added a great green bean casserole & rolls. It was all so yummy! That evening we enjoyed visiting, playing Texas Hold 'Em and playing with Betsy. We went home with Joel and Wendy and attended their church. Joel led the worship band, playing his guitar and singing. It was such a blessed time of worship and praise. Joel performed a song he has written based on the 3rd Psalm. It was awesome! I was so proud of him. His worship team is recording several of their songs for a worship CD...I can't wait to hear it. Joel and Wendy treated all of us to a great Italian meal at Bravo! It was really delicious and a beautiful restaurant. John and I always feel so blessed to spend time with our kids...they are so open about their love for the Lord and are always seeking to know Him better...it really boosts us spiritually to share our faith with them and to hear the way they're working out God's plans for their lives. The only thing better would be to live closer to them so we could see them all more often. Maybe one of these days we'll retire and move up there. That's our dream anyway.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Being Thankful...

I have so much to be thankful for...a wonderful, loving husband, two great children, a wonderful son-in-law and daughter-in-law and a beautiful granddaughter! The Lord has saved me from sin and promised me eternal life! I could ask for nothing more...but He has blessed me with so much more...wonderful friends...a fulfilling job...57 years of life! Thank you Lord!
Work has been so hectic this past couple of weeks. My boss is visiting her family in Texas so LaDonna and I have been "holding down the fort". It's been so busy for some reason. I think kids are trying to finish up a lot of projects before the holidays. Today is my birthday and my sweet John gave me my favorite perfume...Eternity. He offered to take me to my favorite restaurant, "Outback" but I haven't felt real well so we just ate here in town. I hope I'm not getting a bug...I think it's just IBS. I tend to have problems with that when I have a lot going on and big activities planned. It sure is hard to believe I'm 57...I still feel young in my thinking...but I'm heading fast toward 60! I had a wonderful call from Molly and a sweet e-mail from Joel...so I'm feeling really loved. It's going to be so great to see everyone this weekend! Here are some new photos of Betsy!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Almost Thanksgiving!
This week is flying! A week from tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We're going to spend the day with my brother Gary's family and whichever of the siblings can make it to his house in Anderson. Since I have to work the day after Thanksgiving, we're heading up to Michigan for a late celebration on the weekend with the kids. I can't wait to see everyone! Joel and Wendy are so busy we don't get to see much of them! Work has been really hectic. We had a winter craft day for the kids dept. last Friday and 44 kids showed up. It was pretty wild but they had fun making crafty snowmen, scarecrows, Christmas trees, reindeer and sleighs. Today I worked alone...my boss headed for 2 weeks in Texas with her daughters families. It would be so hard to live that far from your children. It's bad enough to have mine 5 hours away! We had Thanksgiving stories today with the Home schooler group. 18 kids came and enjoyed stories, songs, crafts and of course...I made cookies and punch to celebrate Thanksgiving. They're a great bunch of kids and I really admire their parents for the hard work and love they put into educating their children. I was really tired after work so my sweet hubby took me out to supper so I wouldn't have to cook! He's such a blessing! I have a lot to give thanks for!
Friday, November 04, 2005
A nice Friday...
I didn't have to work today so I really enjoyed sleeping in! After running errands and getting groceries, I got home in time to see my sweet hubby. We decided to go to Cracker Barrel for supper. It was really good and I enjoyed sitting next to some old friends we hadn't seen for a long time! It was great to catch up with Randy and Donna and hear what's happening in their lives. It's a shame we get too busy to nourish friendships like we should. I resolve to do better at that. We did a little Christmas shopping in Cracker Barrel. They have so many nice gifts...I found one for Molly and Wendy! It's hard to get in the mood for Christmas shopping when it's still so warm and balmy outside! I've posted some photos of Molly, Myron and Betsy from their family outing to Saugatuck. What great pictures...I "borrowed" them from Molly's blog. She knows I need my "Betsy fix" every few days. Thanks Molly Bee!!!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
What a week!
This has been a really tough and tiring week! My co-worker, LaDonna, has been sick with a respiratory infection all week so my schedule changed a lot! I worked every evening so far and will tomorrow too. It's been so busy! Lots of kids are doing reports or looking for books for school so I've really been kept on my toes. Our home school group met today. There were 20 kids! I read stories to them, sing songs and make a craft. They're a really nice bunch of kids and it's lots of fun...exhausting though! I'm off work Friday and I'll be ready for a break! Maybe I can get John to take me out!
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