Thursday, August 24, 2006
I went to the doctor today to see about my knee...we're going to wait a bit on the Supartz injections because they think a lot of my pain is coming from the spinal stenosis. So I have to see the other doctor in 2 weeks to see if I can have another epidural injection. I've had 3 in the past 2 years so I don't know if they'll do another one. I'm trying to put off surgery as long as possible! I stopped to see my Mom and Dad on my way home from the dr. Mom looked good and was speaking more clearly. The Dilantin is making her arms and legs feel heavy and she's still very tired from the hospital stay. I don't think she quite believes that there's something wrong in her brain because she doesn't clearly remember the seizure. Maybe that's best...we are all holding onto hope that it will not be serious. Her biopsy is next Friday and I asked for the day off to be at the hospital. My boss has been very kind and understanding. This weekend we're heading to Michigan! Betsy's celebrating her 1st birthday on Monday so we'll get to spoil her a bit and get to spend some time with Molly and Myron and Joel and Wendy!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
My Sweet Mom...
The neurologist has now decided that my mother did not have a stroke. They believe she may have a brain tumor that has caused the seizure. They also say that the bruising around her mouth was from the ventilator not her medication. She was put on Dilantin to prevent another seizure. Her speech is still slurred but she's doing well and she was released from the hospital today. I talked to Dad this evening and he said she's pretty scared about the biopsy. It will involve a small hole being drilled in her skull and a needle inserted to reach the spot the doctors have seen on the MRI. They will withdraw cells to send to pathology and test to see if it's malignant. Her biopsy is scheduled for September 1 and her birthday is the next day so she'll probably still be in the hospital on her birthday. They need to observe her after the biopsy. It's so comforting to know that so many Christians are praying for her all over the world. Thanks to everyone...we all really value your prayers and know that God is faithful.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Monday, August 21, 2006
Update on my mother...
We spent the afternoon with mom at the hospital yesterday. She was out of the room for an MRI when we arrived. Before she got back to the room, Dad told us the doctors now believe she did have a stroke. They're blaming her medication for the bruising around her mouth. Her lips and tongue are really swollen too so her speech is slurred but her mind was sharp. We're hoping the doctors will have more definitive answers after they evaluate her MRI. We're heading back to Muncie after work today to check on her.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
What a day...
This past week started out great...Molly and Betsy spent the week with us. We had such a fun time...Betsy's getting so big and has such a personality. She made us laugh so much! She chased our cats all over the house...she never did catch them though. The kids went home yesterday. Then this morning I got a call that my mom was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. Dad found her sitting on the edge of the bed having a seizure...bleeding from her mouth and unable to talk. He called 911 and they took her to the hospital. When we got there she had a breathing tube in and they were bagging her...(pumping air into her lungs.) It was so scary. They took a brain scan and didn't see any indication of a stroke so after she was stabilized they took her by ambulance to Muncie to the large university hospital. She was in Intensive Care all day today. They were able to remove the breathing tube and she's now breathing on her own. They don't think she had a stroke...even though her speech is still a little slurred. It may be caused by her biting her tongue and cheek during the seizure. They think the seizure was caused by lack of oxygen due to her C-pap machine not getting enough air into her lungs. We're planning to go back to the hospital tomorrow after church. It was a relief to see her responding to us and not on the ventilator! All of my brothers and sisters were there. My dad rounded us all up and bought lunch for all of us in the hospital cafeteria. He still treats us like we're his chicks and he's the mother hen. It's nice though...he's always been the protector of his family and still is at 80! All of us had called friends to pray for Mom this morning and we know that the Lord was with her and all of us. It was a very long and tiring day but we have a lot to thank Him for. We're just trusting that He will see Mom through all this and help her to get her strength back.
Friday, August 11, 2006
My handsome nephews...

My brother, Gary's two sons are in the Highland High School band and they competed at the State Fair track contest this year. We weren't able to go to the fair but did get to watch their last evening dress rehearsal. They wear Scottish uniforms and look so sharp! Colin is a sophomore and plays the trumpet. Hunter is an 8th grader and plays French horn. He was asked to march with the high school band! I was so proud of them. I sat talking to their mom and felt like crying when I thought of them so grown up. They were both preemies at birth and had a rough start...but now they're both excellent students and have grown so tall and handsome! Gary and Jennifer have good reason to be proud of them. Their band placed 4th in the state fair contest but they can be proud of a wonderful job!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Heat Wave!'s been hot this week! Our thermometer is in the shade and has been reading 99 in the middle of the day! I'm so thankful for air conditioning. It's been so humid too. Poor John comes home from that hot shop just soaked with sweat...after he showers he just crashes on the sofa...the heat is so draining. We've been having the battle of the thermostats at the library. We do pretty well up in the kids' least we try to compromise. Downstairs is always so hot! All those thin little gals down there don't realize how we fat girls sweat!!! It's supposed to cool down to the 80's by this maybe a little relief is on the way. We had a man present the last program for summer yesterday. He brought his dog, Gripper and had a frisbee-catching demonstration in that 95 degree heat! The kids loved it and so did the dog but it was sure hot! I'm soooo ready for school to start! I never felt that way when my kids were home, but I enjoyed them! We've had some real "fun" kids this week. One little 5-year-old rules his family and screams whenever his mom tries to get him to obey. He was so rude to her and she just put up with it! I wanted to shake him! Of course I had to just stand by and watch but it was so frustrating. I love kids but I'll be glad to get a break from them when school's been a long, hot, tiring summer! Enough least I work in air conditioning...a lot of people have really been suffering and even dying from the heat so I don't have much to complain about. Our garden is full of weeds because it's been too hot to work out there...even early in the morning. John used Preen on it this year and it's helped keep some of the weeds down. I'm just looking forward to this weekend...we're heading to Michigan to see the kids. We're going to celebrate Myron's birthday on Saturday and Joel's on Sunday. It'll be so nice to hear all about their missions trip to Mexico too! And of course get lots of loving with Betsy!
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