We had such a great time this weekend. We headed to Lansing around 4 Friday evening. It was a beautiful, sunny day. John and I really enjoyed the drive up there. We listened to some great worship music and admired the spring scenery. In the Berne and Decatur area we passed lots of Amish homes...it was like a scene from the past. The children were playing outside in homemade swings...the fathers were unhitching horses or working in the yard. One couple walked hand in hand across the field carrying a pie to a neighbor. It was an idyllic scene. We arrived at Joel and Wendy's home around 8 and enjoyed catching up on their news. Joel had spent the day studying for his next actuary exam. Saturday, John, Joel and Myron babysat for Betsy while Molly, Wendy and I attended a women's conference at Wendy's church. It was a wonderful day. There are so many sweet, friendly and gifted women at her church. I was left with so many encouraging spiritual insights...I'm still processing all of it. One gal spoke about Fanny Crosby. She wrote over 9000 songs even though she was blinded as a child. Her joy in life and her love for the Lord shone through all the lyrics of her hymns. Despite all kinds of tragedy and heartache in her life, she lived into her 90's and seemed to always cheerfully depend on the Lord. I found myself imagining her joy as she arrived in heaven and was finally able to view the glory of God and His creation. It was such a wonderful conference. Then when we got back to Joel and Wendy's, I finally got to play with Betsy! She is so much fun! She's such a round little bundle of love and happiness. She's growing and changing and learning so many new things. She actually seemed happy to see me even though we hadn't seen her for a few weeks. Joel and Wendy served a wonderful barbecue with chicken, shrimp, baked potatoes, salad, veggies, fruit and Wendy's yummy homemade cookies! Molly and Myron had to head home after supper and Betsy gave me a big juicy kiss. I love it when she moves her chubby little hands on both my cheeks and puts her little mouth right on my face. It's a special kind of love I've never experienced before!
Today John and I went to church with Joel and Wendy. Joel led the worship band...he's really getting good on the guitar...acoustic and electric. They have a very upbeat modern worship with music aimed at young people. John and I were discussing the fact today that even though they reach out to young adults and really touch them with their music and videos, the gospel is never compromised. Every sermon we've heard there has always been right on target doctrinally and theologically. I'm so glad the kids have found such a wonderful church home. It's always hard to say good bye to them...their lives are so full and busy with work and church and their small group. Our visits become very precious because we see them so rarely. One positive note though...Myron has a business trip next weekend so Molly and Betsy will be staying with us for a few days! It will be so much fun to have them here!