Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A B C Tag...

Accent: Hoosier drawl
Bible book I like: Psalms
Chore that I don't like: cleaning the bathroom
Dog or Cat: 2 cats named Kit and Carson
Essential Electronic: my computer
Favorite Cologne: Calvin Klein's "Eternity"
Handbag I carry most often: the one with all my stuff in it ;)
Insomnia: not often
Job Title: Wife, Mom, Grandma & Library Associate
Living Arrangements: Small 3 bedroom ranch
Most Admirable Trait: that's a hard one...I guess it would be loving people and showing mercy
Naughtiest Childhood Trait: pouting
Overnight Hospital Stay: oh my, the list is almost too long to count...3 babies, 7 surgeries & 3 epidural injections...plus several stays for IBS and acute bronchitis.....Yikes!
Phobias: spiders
Quote: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
Religion: Born-again believer saved by the grace of Jesus Christ!
Siblings: 2 younger sisters and 4 younger brothers
Time I wake up: usually 6:30
Unusual talent or skill: I have a good memory for people's names and faces
Vegetable I refuse to eat: I can't think of any
Worst habit: there are so many...overeating is probably the biggest one
X-rays: too many to remember! ruptured disc in my neck, broken toe, spinal stenosis, knee joint problems......
Yummy stuff I cook: Roast and potatoes...banana split cake
Zoo Animal I like: baby gorillas


Heather said...

Mmmmmm Banana split cake!!!

Free In Christ said...

Thanks for doing that. It is fun to learn new things about people.

How did your surgery go today. You were and still are in my prayers.

Love, Melissa