Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Surgery's over!

I'm happy to say my knee surgery is over! It wasn't too bad. I have a walker but I can get around without it pretty well. I have to keep it elevated with ice on it for 3 days. The dr. gave me exercises to do too. The toughest part was getting the IV in...it took 2 nurses and 1 dr. trying with 5 different needles until they finally found a vein. I guess my veins are really small. The nurse was getting so frustrated and said..."start praying". I replied, " I have been!" The 3rd time they thought they had it in but when I went to the restroom it came out. I didn't realize it until I saw blood dripping on the floor...it kind of freaked me out because I didn't know where it was coming from at first. It scared John because the nurses started pulling on gloves and grabbing towels and running to the restroom! It would have been funny if it hadn't been so frustrating. They finally called the anesthesiologist and he got in it two tries. I'm pretty bruised on both hands and one arm. Before the surgery the anesthesiologist came in to discuss my anesthesia and started talking about the medications that I take, etc. Then he realized he had the wrong file. He was pretty ticked. He wasn't nasty but he firmly told the nurse to straighten it out because part of the file was mine and part was another Karen Smith!! Other than that it went well. The dr. showed John the photos and let me bring them home. He said there was a lot of calcium buildup from the arthritis and he shaved the bones to clean that out. He showed John where it was just bone on bone and said that would probably mean joint replacement in the future. So I guess it's a race between my liver and my knees now! Not really funny I guess but you gotta laugh! I was really at peace before the surgery and felt the prayers of all my friends. So thanks so much to all who prayed! I hope the description wasn't too graphic. I wanted to record the experience before the Vicodin made me forget. Keep praying! I really appreciate it!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Karen, that is so frustrating about the IV! I am glad they worked it out. I am praying for you dear friend